for the food processing industry
Düsseldorf . Deutschland
Working Blade Peeling Lines
is common to pre-peel the potatoes provided for blade
peeling in carborundum roller peeling machines. We suggest
to pre-peel the potatoes at 85 to 90 per cent in the
well-proved DORNOW roller peeling machines in order to go on
peeling them afterwards with blades (at a waste peel rate of
10 to 15 per cent). However, design and construction of the
blade peeling plant must have certain features, if one wants
to get, at a waste rate of 10 to 15 per cent, potatoes that
have, if possible, a nearly completely blade-peeled
appearance. 1.
might think, for instance, of rotating blade drums (with
"blade walls") in which the potatoes to be peeled
are fed. We dismissed this constructional possibility
because it cannot be guaranteed that the potatoes are
accurately peeled. Uncontrolled and irregular peeling
results in unnecessarily high waste rates.
Practical work has shown that the potatoes have to be
left for a relatively long time in a drum-type blade peeling
machine, with a waste peel rate of at least 30 per cent, in
order that the blades reach every point of the potatoes
pre-peeled by means of carborundum. Thus it becomes evident
that the peeling process is irregular and uncontrolled which
brings about a higher waste rate than necessary. 2.
features of multi-blade disc peeling machines ("MMS"
as a blade model): -
Arrangement of many small fast-rotating blade peeling
discs on an horizontal surface. 3.
Capacities of the SBS-M-(Messer = blade) system
(in kg/hr of finished products, approximate values): (When
using potatoes neatly pre-peeled by means of carborundum
from medium to big sorting sizes)
500 - 600, with 1 x peeling unit 20 M-AT, o
The "step-by-step" blade peeling system may
consist of one peeling unit or of two peeling units of the
type "20 M-AT" o
The peeling can be carried out either totally dry or
in atomised water. This way of processing does not
necessarily produce waste water. The quantity of water
produced by the process of atomising is very small and will
"disappear" with the waste peel. o
"step-by-step" blade peeling plant can easily be
connected to a carborundum roller peeling system, i. e. to a
pre-peeling system. o
The peeling units are constructed in a way that
guarantees a smooth
and uniform peeling. That is why there will not be much
waste. The blade peeling units will normally account for 10
to 15 per cent of the total peeling capacity, while the
pre-connected and separately working carborundum pre-peeler
accounts for some 85 to 90 per cent. o
The construction is very sturdy and permits easy
maintenance. Few spare parts required. Simple technology.
The peeling elements can, if necessary, be exchanged in a
short time. o
The plant includes a precisely working weighing and
dosing device. This has to be purchased only once, even if
further peeling units will be added later. Please
read also the following papers: Q
19 "The
fully automatic DORNOW step-by-step" blade
peeling system SBS-M" Q
26 "The
DORNOW roller peeling
machines of the R-OW-series
in industrial peeling plants and in the potato processing
industry" Q
peeling in industrial potato peeling factories -
necessity or luxury?" Q
72 "Micro
fine-grain peeling, especially in potato processing
plants" Q
92 "The
DORNOW blade peeling
technology - various options for planning the
plant" Q
104 "Steam
peeling - Mechanical peeling in small-scale,
medium-sized and large-scale industrial enterprises - Where
to apply which peeling methods?" Q
105 "The continuous 'multiple-blade-disc
peeling machines (MSS)', series AM, BM and CM" We
offer: Sophisticated
peeling technology based on 40 years of experience!
paper contains non-committal notes. We do not lay claim to
completeness. Alterations reserved. DORNOW total on the Web: / Q34 E3 Dornow food technology GmbH,
Willstätterstr. 12,
D-40549 Düsseldorf - Germany, USt-Id.-Nr. DE119264470 |