A.   -   1.

Peeling machines


radical roller peeling machines
R-RAD-60-A to R-RAD-250-A,
et al.
(0180 ff.)

Continuous operation. In many instances able to peel without water / waste water.


For the quick and thorough peeling  of very poor-quality potatoes and other tubers / root vegetables of poor quality (please see photo on the left). 




Potatoes of very poor quality before peeling, graded in commercial potato peeling plants.


Graded and blemished potatoes are again processed by the above-mentioned machine, after the first, or partially after the second peeling process.

  The finished product, made from worst-quality raw produce.



For the quick repeeling of steam-peeled or mechanically peeled potatoes, etc., 


for the quick down-peeling of steam-peeled or mechanically peeled potatoes to smaller sizes
(e.g. from sorting size approx. 45 mm to sorting size approx. 35 mm or smaller.) 

Available in nearly all sizes (for sizes and appearance please also see
subsection 1.1: "DORNOW" roller peeling machines of the R-OW series").

Further roller peeling machines you can find under subsection: 

A.  1.1     -    Roller peeling machines, R-OW series
A.  1.8     -    Universal Skin Remover (SR) Machines R-SR-60-A to R-SR-250-A, etc.
A.  1.24   -    Drum-type peeling machines
A.  1.32   -    Roller peeling machines, series 100

Further reading:


Radical and fast peeling (down-peeling to smaller sizes) of potatoes or other tubers and root vegetables (raw or steam-peeled) with DORNOW - radical roller peeling machines of the RAD-series.


Peeling of poor-quality, blemished potatoes graded by sorting systems in potato storage plants by DORNOW radical roller peeling machines of the RAD-series.


Peeling questionnaire


Usability of "waste" peel, especially potato "waste" peel, from mechanically operating dry peeling machines.