



From the very beginning our efforts were focussed on the peeling machine. Our special attention was paid to the potato peeling machine and the vegetable peeling machine.
Very early we took care of the potato processing. In this field it was important to further develop the peeling technology, to construct larger potato peeling machines and a solidly working frying plant.

Peeling machines
Complete program of the latest mechanical peeling machines, all sizes

      ► Roller
           Peeling Machines 
           rollers Ø 100 mm 
           and 150 mm
           screw Ø from 
           50 to 250 cm  

       ► Multi-disc
           Peeling Machines 

       ► Knife 
           Peeling Machines

       ► Onion
           Peeling Machines
       ► Batch Type
Peeling Machines



 SM2-IMG 5067-kl

 SM3 MSS-Scheib-IMG-4953gedreht


Raw material treatment before DORNOW plants

       ► Crate Tipping Devices
       ► Acceptance, Storage and 
            Dosing Bins 

       ► Conveyor Belts
       ► Storage Systems
       ► Crate Storage Systems
       ► Sorting Machines and

 1-Kistenkipp-mit-Gabelstapler-Kiste kl

Sorters for tubers and root vegetables in wet areas

       ► Drum-type sorters
       ► French fries sorters 4M 
       ► Industrial Sorters

 6-Sortiertrommel-nah-5-kl kl

Stone catchers, stone catching technology for wet areas

       ► Screw-type stone scatcher
       ► Rotation stone catcher

 2-Steinefaenger-Schnecken-kl kl

Conveying, Storage and Dosing Technology in the wet sector

       ► Conveying Technology in
            Wet Areas 

       ► Storage and Dosing
            Technology in Wet Areas  

       ► Plastic chains
            product DORNOW


 7-Bunker mit Kartoffeln-bearbeitet kl

Washing Machines, Centrifuges

       ► Drum Washing Machines
       ► Brush Machines
       ► Centrifuges


 3-108-62-gr kl

Packaging Machines and Tables for peeled products

       ► Preserving and sack filling
            machines, electronic

       ► Chamber vacuum
            packaging devices 

       ► Inspection and packaging
            (in combination) 

 8-Kons-Abfuellgeraet-mit-Beutel-bearbeitet kl

Inspection Tables

       ► Roller Inspection Tables
       ► Conveyor Inspection

       ► Static Inspection Tables 
       ► Screw Roller Inspection

 4-P1050152 kl

Water filtration plants

       ► Drum separators
       ► Cleaning basins
       ► Filtration devices for waste

 9-041005 185-kl

Cutting Machines and Plants

       ► Potato halving and
            quartering -machines 

       ► French fries (chips) cutting

       ► Universal Cutting

       ► „Top and tail“ onion
            cutting machines 

 5-113-Titel-re-kl-2-klein kl

Production Aids and Accessories

       ► Pumps, platforms, bins,
           working tables
       ► Plastic baskets
       ► Pitting spoons

       ► Plastic chains

 10-Zubehoer-IMG 5246-kl


Peeling plants

bild Anlage_kleiner

French fries plants

bild AUSGABE3_02_heller_kleiner

Preserving plants

bild 108_81_P1060798_heller_kleiner

Peeling Test Center

bild Labormaschine-mit-Mann-1789_ausschnitt_kleiner


Used French-fries-Cutting Machines